I have an army for the Protectorate of Menoth in the game WarMachine by Privateer Press. I have painted them in a unique scheme: black armor with fabrics done in billowing flame colors. All trim is edged in gold.
There are many pictures in our Miniatures Photo Gallery, and here is one to give you the idea:
The current army list I am using includes:
pSeverius, eSeverius, pFeora, pKreoss, eKreoss, Reznik, Vindictus, Thyra
Revenger, Devout, Vanquisher, Reckoner, Castigator, Templar, Avatar, Blessing o’V, Fire o’S, Redeemer, Vessel o’J
Knights Exemplar (5 x2), Exemplar Errants (10+UA), Vengers (4), TFG (10+UA), Zealots (10+UA) Choir (6 x2), Daughters (5), Idrians (10+UA), Rhove and Co (3)
Gravus, Reclaimer, Vilmon, Paladin, Nicia, Errant Senechal, Exemplar Senechal, Vassal, Monk
Gorman, Eiryss, Rhupert, Orin
… which is a whole heck of a lot of models to paint!