DBGM01: Dragonsbane

This is a new campaign that will be starting shortly. It takes place in Privateer Press’ role-playing game rules and setting. This is a specific style of magical steampunk in a setting known as the Iron Kingdoms. The campaign is called Dragonsbane for only the vaguest of reasons. I hope this provides some insight on running a large campaign, or into the odd minds of Gamers, or maybe some light entertainment. This series is specifically from the perspective of the Game Master, the person running the game. It is running concurrently with the Player Series for this campaign inthe RPG section.

 The current campaign has twelve players (and counting), and usually takes place every other week on Saturday evenings. I will try to recap on Sundays. Playtime usually runs 3-4 hours per session.

IMPORTANT: If you plan on cribbing notes (please do!) bear in mind that a party of 12 is HUGE! If you have a smaller party, scale down the numbers of NPCs in combat. I can send small armies against 12 Players, so a party of four should not have to face the same opposition.

The setting is the Iron Kingdoms, local date 602AR. As per grand old RPG tradition, the game opens in the hold of a slave ship.  Each character gets a prologue, of course, but this is how we all start together with nuthin’ but a loincloth. There needs to be a reason our tremendously diverse group gets together in the first place, and this actually fits the overall story, too. And what better way to get them together than a common enemy?

Cast of Characters:

Character : Player : Class : Race : Archetype
Klytos : Nikan : Arcane Mechanik/Warcaster : Human(Khador) : Gifted
Mishka : John : Man-o-War/Man-at-Arms : Human(Khador) : Mighty
Tatiana : Lori : Ranger/Rifleman : Human(Khador) : Skilled
Yosemite Sam : Salvatore : Pistoleer/Pirate : Dwarf : Skilled
Bish : Micheal : Man-at-Arms/Duelist : Ogrun : Skilled
Bosh : Thomas : Man-at-Arms/Duelist : Ogrun : Skilled
Loredo Nutt : Perry : Cutthroat/SpyStormKnight : Human(Llael) : Skilled
Ossyn Hellyr : Kela : StormSorcerer/Duelist : Iosian : Gifted
Christina Riley : Tracey : Field Mechanik/Warcaster : Human(Cygnar) : Gifted
Brother Pyros : Brett : Priest of Menoth/FireSorcerer : Human(Menite) : Gifted
Gavriil : Sam : Order of the Fist/Cutthroat : Human(Menite) : Mighty
Dr Ezekiel Heisenberg : LD : Alchemist/Theif : Human(Ordic) : Intelligent

Groups were chosen with several parameters. First was geographic location. Next was political policies. Once some of the backstories became clear, it allowed several groups to have reason to have a long-term knowledge of each other. The Ogrun were of a clan that was beholden to the Horgenforge clan, so they had an initial reason to be with the Dwarf. There are the main groups, and their Players:

Khadoran Contingent:
Klytos (Nikan), Mishka (John), Tatiana (Lori)

Mercenary Group:
Ossyn Hellyr (Kela), Dr Heisenberg (LD)

Cygnar Expedition:
Christina Riley (Tracey), Laredo Nutt (Perry)

Horgenhold Trading Company, Cavernson Caravan:
Yosemite Sam (Salvator), Bish and Bosh (Michael and Thomas)

Protectorate Prophectic Verification:
Br. Pyros (Brett), Gavriil (Sam)

Each group starts with its own missions and intentions, and are, in fact, much larger than just the Players themselves. The Khadoran Contingent is a small village of Khadoran ex-patriots living in Ord, a few miles outside of Hearthstone. The Horgenforge group is a trading caravan run by the Cavernson family, with full escort of Ogrun Bokur. The Protectorate party is led by a Scructator, and the Players are only minor members. They are being sent to verify a supposed “prophecy” from an alleged “Harbinger.” The Cygnar Expedition is on a mission for the Starlight Workshop, and have hired the Mercenary Group as escort.  How and why these disparate groups get together is all part of the Prologue.

It will be revealed how we accomplish this, and what leads to the first full session, in which the Players regain some control over their lives, or at least over a boat.  For the main campaign itself, it really revolves around the mysterious Iron Cask. In RPG thems, this would be “the Ball.” The objective is to seek and obtain and do X (Destroy? Control? Ally? Buy a drink?) with the Ball. Who’s got the Ball? Right now, the Bad Guys. All the Prophesices made reference to it in some way. The party will discover more about the Iron Cask as we go.

As for the whole campaign name, Dragonsbane, it does indeed involve the eventual consumption of the Dragon Pyromalfic by Everblight at the Castle of Keys. This was initiated by the Dragonfather Toruk’s minion Goreshade, when he revealed to Everblight the location of the weakened Pyromalfic. This campaign explores some of this background through the stories of these twelve Players.