DBGM02: Final Prep

Dragonsbane is a campaign that takes place in Privateer Press’ Iron Kingdoms role-playing game rules and setting. This series is specifically from the perspective of the Game Master, the person running the game. It is running concurrently with the Player Series for this campaign inthe RPG section. We have one week to ShowTime, so its time to make sure we have stuff plotted and planned.  Characters are falling into place, and I’m weaving their stories together, so they (hopefully) have some reason to continue to work together. This is always a tough trick to pull off with a group this size. More than ten Players is a lot to juggle.

As per grand old RPG tradition, the game opens in the hold of a slave ship. I’ve discussed the main character backstories in the Player Article, and the Prologues will bring them together in their groups. We will be playing out much of the Prologue, though there will be plenty of cutscenes in there as well. Finally, the end of the Prologue brings the two groups together. Cue the Opening Credits. Then the Game Proper begins. At this point, it is too early to know which way the Players will go after the inital episodes, but most of the main plots and contingencies are prepared.

This is the current draft of the Opening Credits to Iron Kingdoms: Dragonsbane
Musical credit: The Heavy: Short Change Hero
Image Credit: Todd Gamble, Cartographer

Some things to make sure are taken care of ahead of time:

  • At least five episodes worked out in advance, including maps of encounter locations
  • All major NPC recurring characters have been detailed, plus back-ups and major henchmen.
  • Overall Story Arc planned from beginning to end, with most of the middle fleshed out.
  • Dice acquired
  • Miniatures for Players, major NPC and encounter models for first few episodes
  • Maps or other printed materials designed and printed
  • Location reserved, food and beverages accounted for.
  • Audio/Video equipment if required (see Opening Credits above)

I also made sure that we have several copies of the rule books available, spare pencils and paper, and a fresh bottle of Kentucky Bourbon for the GM.