DBGM09: Five Fingers Day Two

Now that the party has the city’s attention, other people are starting to take notice as well. The Five Fingers Fight Club has gotten word out about the party’s victories, and the Cygnar force is now aware that the party is in town. The Cygarans want a few words with the party about a missing military dispatch.

Lt. Ohmz tracked down the party and met the Ogrun who were out drinking. He had forces assembled to capture them, but the local City Guard interfered, and allowed the Ogrun to slip out the back.

The Llaelese Embassy determines that the document was a Gatorman contract to look for any sign of the heavily enchanted Iron Cask.

The battle took place in the evening in a warehouse by the docks. Most of the party went into the arena, but several members stayed in the crowds, and even took bets.  Heavy Metal had three heavy warjacks and one light warjack, each with its own Marshall. GobberTeam was broken into pairs: one Brick and one Shooter. These pairs tried to stay within the Leader’s Command.  The Brick would Shield Guard the Pistoleer, while the Shooter Disarms their opponent.

The battle was set up so the party would engage either the ‘jack team or the Gobber team and not the Trolls. The battle went fairly much as expected. Since the Cygnarans have no authority here, they persuaded the City Guard to raid the fight. They are participating, and Lt. Ohmz himself is outside near the front door, coordinating with the Five Fingers Guard Captian.

Right now, Fallingblood is passing through the Bay of Stone, and heading for the Dragon’s Throat. She has a day or two before arrival.

Cast of Non-Player Characters

Jack Marshall (Human Field Mechanic) x4
SPD:6 STR:5 MAT:7 RAT:6 CMD:9 Full Life Spiral: 5P 5I 4A
Hand Cannon RNG:12 POW:12

Heavy Warjack x3
SPD:4 SRT:9 MAT:6 RAT:5 Full Heavy Damage Grid
Heavy Cannon RNG:10 POW:14 AoE:4″
Sword PS:16

Light Warjack
SPD:6 STR:8 MAT:6 RAT:5 Full Light Damage Grid
Rocket Launcher RNG:12 POW:12 AoE:3″
Mace PS:13

Gobber Brick (Mighty Man-at-Arms) x4
SPD:5 STR:6 MAT:7 RAT:5 Full Life Spiral: 6P 4I 5A
Shield Guard, Bodyguard
Shield PS:7
Sword PS:9

Gobber Shooter (Skilled Pistoleer) x4
SPD:5 STR:5 MAT:5 RAT:7 Full Life Spiral: 4P 5I 6A
Repeating Pistol x2: RNG:10 POW:10

Gobber Leader (Intelligent Military Officer)
SPD:5 STR:6 MAT:6 RAT:6 Full Life Spiral: 5P 6I 4A
Battlefield Coordination
Hand Cannon RNG:12 POW:12